Our Ministries
Catch the Vision is a class for people who want to become a part of Christian Believers Church. You will learn more about the church, it’s core values, expectations and how you can get involved.
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. This format is based on the actual words of Jesus Christ . The group is small and confidential and runs every other Wednesday from 7:00—8:00 pm at the CB West campus.
Youth ministry is for youth 4th grade and up. CB youth is a ministry that builds up the next generation. Through interactive messages and discussion your child will learn to fear God and to love and serve His people. CB Youth meets on Friday nights at CB West.
CB Kids ministry is for kids 18 months - 5th grade. Your children will experience a lively kids worship experience, learn bible verses and become strong believers that will change the world.
Sistah’s Virtue Women’s Ministry is ministry group of women, that study the word of God and apply to our everyday lives and situations. We aim to uplift and encourage our sisters.
Nehemiah Society Men’s Ministry is a ministry group of men that stand together, pray ,and provide encouragement and support for each other. Nehemiah Society studies the word of God and strive to model their lives after the word.
Hand to Hand Outreach is a ministry that takes it to the inner city streets of St. Louis. The ministry aims to provide the love, hope, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We are Changing lives by walking hand in hand.